One Reason


Photo Credit: me

i lost my wallet!

Losing your wallet is a fairly stressful experience. I had lost my wallet for some reason, perhaps dropped it when leaving a taxi with a lot of luggage to worry about. I didn't realize until sunday when I was supposed to meet some friends for pizza. Unfortunately the moment I noticed my wallet pocket was empty, panic mode set in. It can be an eye-opening experience, being put in such a vulnerable position. I had to cancel going to lunch (without any money to pay for it) and was ripping my apartment to shreds looking for it. It wasn't until monday when my bank called saying the police contacted them using my bank card. A huge relief! I didn't expect to have any cash left inside, but just getting it back was a comfort.

This morning I went to the police station. Showed them my ID and they pulled out my wallet complete with all of my cash. Unbelievable. The person who handed in the item did not register any information about themselves, so there was no way for me to express my gratitude.

It is a common thing to happen in Japan, and yet unimaginable in the US. Another experience I had that has convinced me stay in this country for as long as possible.